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Go Green

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Go Green, a program and movement spearheaded by the notable development organization WAVE Foundation and its affiliated Youth Assembly. Certain components of this program have been aligned and blended with other organizational programs over a long period. As a stand-alone program, Go Green is already putting all these components’ value addition into practice. Besides Go Green will conduct a widespread countrywide Campaign to raise public awareness and Policy Advocacy on various pertinent issues related to this program. The program will be connected as a cross-cutting issue to the other initiatives and endeavours of the organization. Green symbolises the natural world, encompassing the weather, climate, and all of the natural resources that surround us, such as trees, crops, fruits, water bodies, fauna, etc. Our everyday lives and economic activities are greatly impacted by each of these natural and environmental components. Notably, the color green symbolises youth and our national flag is predominantly green. The Go Green focuses mainly on Eco-friendly and Safe issues and Technologies. The core components of this program are Agroecology and Safe Food; Climate Action and Addressing Pollutions; and Safe Water, Hygienic Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene/WASH. This program urges individuals, families, societies/communities, and institutions to adopt a Green Lifestyle.  

The core components of this program are:

Agroecology and Safe Food;
Climate Action and Addressing Pollutions;
Safe Water, Hygienic Sanitation, and Personal Hygiene/WASH.

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